High Risk Pregnancy

Transport of patients with high-risk pregnancies
We are happy to offer to fly pregnant women with special risk pregnancies.
The term "high-risk pregnancy" covers a wide field and is not precisely defined. We distinguish between maternal risks - for example, severe gestational diabetes, epilepsy, or a threatening condition in the expectant mother called (pre-) eclampsia. All maternal risk factors not only threaten the mother, but of course pose a risk to the unborn child!
But the unborn child can also be exposed to risks - prematurity in the first place. Here one would always have to define exactly in which week of pregnancy the woman is. There are limits there that make it impossible for the child to survive if it is born on board the aircraft. But there are very mild cases of prematurity that can be transported very well.
But malformations or genetic defects can also cause considerable difficulties for the child after birth. To be able to assess these risks accurately, an intensive assessment must be carried out.
You have already noticed: For the safe treatment of such complex scenarios, you need two specialists: the adult intensive care physician and the paediatric intensive care physician, called neonatologist.
To carry out such a transport safely, we offer you to contact us at an early stage of your planning in order to design a safe transport scenario together with our intensive care physicians and neonatologists. Depending on the local care, transfer "in utero", i.e., transport of the mother with the unborn child, may be indicated. In other situations, delivery on site may be an alternative, so that mother and child can then be transferred together in a timely manner. Here, too, the presence of an intensive care physician and neonatologist may be necessary.
As always, it is important for us to work closely with you. Only then can we sensibly combine medical facts with operational facts.
We take into account not only risk-benefit considerations from a medical point of view, but also a high degree of planning security at the operational level.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.