European Air Ambulance specialised repatriation services worlwide

European Air Ambulance specialised repatriation services
European Air Ambulance (EAA) is one of the largest specialised air ambulance service providers in Europe offering worldwide air ambulance repatriation with outstanding end-to-end patient care.
EAA founder Luxembourg Air Ambulance has a record of over 36 successful years of experience in air ambulance services with medical repatriation experience from over 150 countries worldwide, giving EAA one of the broadest expertise in the air ambulance industry.
EAA provides its services 24/7/365 throughout the world and can also rely on a dense network of international co-operation agreements, which ensures speedy and smooth execution of intensive care transports with bed-to-bed service.
EAA coordinates a fleet of air ambulance aircrafts, Challenger 605 and LearJet 45XR, all fitted with state-of-the-art medical equipment and supplies to ensure the best possible patient care in the air. These aircraft are based in Luxembourg.
All EAA missions are staffed by an experienced intensive care medical team consisting of at least one physician and one flight nurse. EAA can choose the physician from a large pool of anaesthetists, neonatologists, paediatricians, gynaecologists, obstetricians or other specialists, depending on the patient’s medical condition.
Quote requests submitted to EAA are answered with minimum notice. After the confirmation has been received, the mission preparation starts immediately - day or night - ensuring a fast and safe repatriation of the patient.
European Air Ambulance Services: Worldwide Air ambulance repatriation for one or two patients including bed-to-bed transfer of the patient, organisation of ground ambulance transportation at both ends of the flight and a full post-mission medical report from the treating physician.
Neonatal/Incubator Transport: Repatriation or medical transfer of a newborn baby to a specialised unit using an incubator. Neonatal missions always include a neonatologist as well as a specialised intensive care paediatric flight nurse or paramedic trained in Advanced Paediatric Life Support.
Ground transportation to and from the airport, accompanied by the medical escort, can also be arranged.
Click to Call: +352 26 26 00 (operating 24/7) | E. alert@air-ambulance.com